17 The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down My life in order to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.” -John 10:17-18 BSB
4 because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. 5 Therefore, when Christ came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You prepared for Me. 6 In burnt offerings and sin offerings You took no delight. 7 Then I said, ‘Here I am, it is written about Me in the scroll: I have come to do Your will, O God.’” -Hebrews 10:4-7 BSB
The Father’s plan, before sin entered the world, was to send His only begotten Son to pay for the sins that the world was going to plunge themselves into. God’s love for mankind is so great that He didn’t want to lose them all.
Regarding animal sacrifices in the law, it didn’t take away any sins, however, it was to show the Israelites and those who kept the law that even their good works weren’t good enough to have all their sins erased. The law revealed to them that the animal (pointing to Jesus Christ) had to take their punishment of death on the altar for their sins.
The punishment for sin is death…
16 And the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.” -Genesis 2:16-17 BSB
Since man has two natures, physical and spiritual, death came to both. Immediately, the spirit of the man died, and they (Adam and Eve) lost their access to heaven and their relationship with God. After that, they started to die physically, at a much slower rate, or else they couldn’t reproduce and fill the earth with their kind. In God’s mercy, He covered Adam and Eve’s sin with animal skins (see Genesis 3:21), which was the first picture we see in Scripture that something had to die for their transgression.
The payment for humanity’s sin was death. That is why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. On the third day, Jesus rose from the grave because He died without sin, and death didn’t have dominion over Him. Jesus’ resurrection shows us that even though we die, the believers, we shall live because Jesus lives. Jesus’ resurrection is the firstfruits (see 1 Corinthians 15:20) of what’s to occur to all the saints. All believers in Christ will resurrect and rule alongside Him in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ on earth (Revelation 20:1-6).