Spiritual Minefield
Spiritual Minefield
Why Is Jesus The Only Savior Of The World And Had To Die For Our Sins

Why Is Jesus The Only Savior Of The World And Had To Die For Our Sins

In today's podcast, we will look at this in great detail, why was Jesus the only Savior for the world and why did sin bring death to all mankind? 

Available Books: Verse by Verse Through Revelation, How The Bible Describes Hell, A Study Guide To 2 Thessalonians Verse By Verse, and Spiritual Warfare: A look into the spiritual realm. Visit the bookstore if you are interested: https://spiritualminefield.wordpress.com/bookstore

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Spiritual Minefield
Spiritual Minefield
A Christian podcast dedicated to teaching the Scriptures faithfully to believers and nonbelievers to strengthen those who follow Christ and to bring to salvation the ones without Christ. If you would like to donate to this ministry please visit, (paypal.me/spiritualminefield)
If you are interested in books concerning the End Times, Hell, and Spiritual Warfare, visit https://spiritualminefield.wordpress.com/bookstore/ Support this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/alex-ruiz487/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/alex-ruiz487/support</a>